Friday, February 21, 2020

The Great Dr. Visit Experiment

Went to Dr. Thursday for hubby's check up. Thought I would try to do this reasonably right and be extra careful.
Had great plans going out. I put clothes out in the garage I would change into so I could wash the town clothes I wore into the office.
Planned on taking some kind of Lysol wipes for the hands on the way out before opening truck doors.
Forgot them by the time I got out the door and into the truck.
Went into the appointment at the very last minute so not to be exposed any more than needed.
Didn't touch anything going in using the auto door opener with my elbow.
very few folks in the waiting room.
First thing they hand you a clip board and pen to fill out info sheet. (ZAP GOTCHA)
Take masks provided but husband doesn't want to wear one.
Sit down away from anyone and don't touch anything with hands but still body touches furniture.
Take back clipboard. (ZAP GOTCHA)
Quicker than usual get called back.
Don't touch any doors going in.
Have to touch rails on wall to be weighed in.
Although I went to bathroom before leaving home I had to use the Dr. bathroom I was careful but...
Go into room to wait a very short time.
Nurse comes in to get all info. Nobody wears masks.
Don't touch anything but have to take BP cuff on his arm. 
Everything good. Get to go check out.
Touch the counter at check out place.   
Use hand sanitizer for both of us.
I have to remind husband don't touch any doors just elbow to door button.
Get into our truck and add to our normal germs with shoes and clothing.
(ZAP GOTCHA)          
Then we go out to eat and the insurance place to pay a bill. All kinds of
Get home grab everything to go in including dog.
Put garage door down and I was brave enough to strip down to tail undies. (It was way cold !!!)
Carefully get dressed and put clothes in laundry without touching GOTCHA clothes with anything but hands.
Husband said heck no he wasn't going to wash his clothes also spreading GOTCHA germs all though house.
Open house door spreading the
I wash hands and say well that was a pain and interesting experiment.

CONCLUSION:  NO MATTER HOW CAREFUL YOU ARE the whole family must participate AND you will still be exposed to
(GOTCHAS)  when you walk out the door of your home.
THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE A CHANCE to not get whatever is going around..................
    Don't go out the door of your home or let others in.
    Stock up on needed food before your area gets in full swing sick to have less trips out the door.
    Stock up on meds you normally take or have delivered to you.
    Stock up on home sanitizing products
    Stock up on a sick room area if you have the room to isolate a sick person.
The best you possibly can doing everything you know how to do with basic body care.
Wash Hands for 20 seconds all the time 
Remove as much stress as you can from around your life. 
Drink proper amount of water for your body weight.
Get the correct amount of proper sleep
Take vitamins C, D, B, for sure and most anything else your particular body needs.
Get plenty of sunshine.
    Read the labels
    Not a load of processed meals.
    From scratch as much as you can.
    Veggies fresh when possible.
    Avoid the microwave.
    Avoid as much sugar, MSG, High Fructose Corn Syrup and preservatives of any kind.
    Make time to exercise. Even if age prevents vigorous exercise walk around, use tread mill or something.
A person may not be able to totally avoid getting sick but you may be able to fight it off much easier than most and get well quicker than others if you can get your immunity built up by giving your body what it needs.



1 comment:

  1. LOL about the doctor's office visit and the ZAP GOTCHA's! If I don't laugh, I'll start crying.
    Thanks for the good info on building up immunity and staying healthy. I am afraid we are all going to end up being exposed to this eventually. I heard somewhere that doctors think 70% of the world population will eventually get this virus. So as you say, we need to build up our immune systems.
    I would also suggest people stocking up on black elderberry syrup. It works wonders for my family and for friends who I have told about it.
