Friday, February 28, 2020

Get Out of Your Food Rut !

       Image result for freezer meals  Image result for freezer meals

Here are 2 videos to get you out of your Food Rut

Foodie Friday!!! 19 Freezer Meals Start to Finish
Foodie Friday: Long Grocery Haul and 17 Freezer Meals!!!

These video's are really long. I know.
I watched on a computer so it was easy for me to fast forward while watching what frame it was on an stopping where I wanted to.
It is a good idea. Nice to have some homemade meals so you don't have to go out and be around a bunch of people when everywhere you go folks are sick. It's also nice when you are tired or sick or tight on grocery money this week to just go to the freezer and pick out your dinner for the family without all the stress and mess.
   It was way weird for me to see her grocery list and her method of cooking. Most everything she bought was in a can, box or freezer bag already cooked, chopped or whatever. Another thing.... I don't see her rinsing off these meats, or the tin containers from the store. I would do that just because I want to know at least I may be able to confirm that other residue isn't on it from a outside source. When I do things everything is prepped by me. I clean, chop or fix that step instead of buying it already done at the store. I don't know what is cheaper but for me it is also a control thing. When you buy things in cans, boxes etc. your getting so much more added preservatives, coloring and flavor enhancers that I just don't want in my foods. Not everything she bought is like that but if I do it old school I know what is in my food as a rule. Not only that with all my food issues if I want to continue breathing it is a must do for me. Still the lady has a lot of good ideas and she knows how to turn out some quick food! We can all learn something and adapt it to the way we like things done.
   My biggest problem for me is how the heck long to cook something straight out of the freezer! I am not a food oven cook other than baking things.
   I saw all the veggies and cheese she was putting in and it all looked soooo good! Hubby won't eat veggies and I can't do the cheeses. This does encourage me though to take a better look from a different angle as to how I can adapt my regular foods to the freezer. I am so used to cooking everything fresh I have no clue as to do oven cooking like this. Same goes for the sill
y crock pot.
   The tin containers I know are cheap but I hate to throw things away. I like to use reusable stuff I can just clean and put the next meal in. Problem is I have been trying to use those single meal plastic containers with the red or blue lids and I haven't had much luck with them holding up to the freezer without getting holes in them or cracking. Think I will try the aluminum angle again.


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