Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hurricanes & Pandemics ??!!

   Evacuations Ordered From Ocracoke Island Ahead of Isaias  Emergency evacuation - Wikipedia  EMERGENCY EVACUATION LARGE FLOOR AND WALL SIGN, 24X18, ASPHALT ART ...

    Talk about your perfect storm ! How the L are you supposed to do that?! I mean I know folks that are used to dealing with hurricanes have probably got it down pat. You know if you can stay or if you need to evacuate. You know where and when to go. You know what you need to pack and how your going to get there.
    Okies got it down too. We don't usually get a weeks notice of a tornado rolling up on us. Sure they may say possible bad weather but not like you hurricane people get. You know for sure it is coming your way days before it gets there. We get a maybe some sever thunder storms next week. Then in the middle of the night your weather alert goes off and you grab your go bag and run like the devil to the rabbit hole at a moments notice!
You have different kinds of folks out there dealing with this virus enemy.
You have the awww so what folks, no big deal.
The well I just better be careful just in case.
The ultimate worrier that is scared to death on a normal day.
    The first set of people it's all no sweat do like we always do.
    The last two sets of folks, man that !!@#$ virus changes everything!
If you have any concerns at all you just can't do like you have always done if leaving the area.
How do you do it safely?
Public Shelters --Those things can be scary on a normal season with no cooties floating around! With the bad morals of a lot of folks now days, the political attitudes going on and just super stress in general shelters are a atomic bomb waiting to go off!  Still if you have to do it you have to do it. Just like leaving town take anything that you need to stay comfortable. Bedding supplies, pillows, food at least. Don't count on the shelter they run out of stuff. Besides that everyone wants their favorite pillow or blankie.

Pets -- Be sure to have some ID on your pets so they can find you if needed. Check the shelters, motels or friends that will except you pets. Naturally bring everything they need just like people. Food, pillows, leashes, blankies, etc.

Sleeping Quarters -- Hotels, Motels, they say are sanitized. Still you never know, but if you happen to trust them ok. You can take your own cleaning supplies and go over everything you can think of with some kind of wipe or spray if you bring it with you from your stash.

Friends and Relatives
- If you normally stay with friends and relatives when you leave.... That doesn't really work this time around. Who wants to take the chance of catching their cooties or spreading your cooties to them ?? Unless the house, garage or back yard is big enough to kind of doing some kind of quarantine that may work out.

--- For those folks that have camped out or like to you should be in pretty good shape. You have most of what you need to be comfortable enough for a short time. For those that don't have everything you need you can actually make do pretty good with your auto and some good tarps and rope to tie them to the auto and some trees or poles. Not great against all the rain elements that is inland but if your scared to death of the virus you have to figure out something even to make do. A few changes of clothing, meds, important papers don't take much room. All that food for a couple of weeks will and a way to fix it with a grill or camp fire to keep going is a challenge. Lots of plastic tarps, trash bags, umbrellas 

-- Where is all that Emergency Long Term Food Supply you have been wanting to get for years now that you need it??!! Take your own food to fix in the room or to the relatives or friends. You can't comfortably go out to eat inside if there is anything still like that open anywhere. You go to the stores you can be careful but I just about bet they are picked clean no matter how far inland you go away from the storm. So you pack up all the food you will need in the next 2 weeks or more. Maybe a electric griddle or some cast iron. Sure ! You pack that up in your little bitty economical gas sipper! You going to strap the family down on the hood, and roof like a deer in hunting season?

I just about bet you folks with little city cars would love to have a huge monster bad *ss truck right now to pack up and leave town with LOL . Might be good for rolling over the medians or stalled out cars to get where your going !
   I am not a camper but to me the campers look like they have it pretty good in this perfect storm.


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