Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Filling the Pantry

    I have always had to be careful of ingredients in food. It's just the way I am made. Some folks do it for whatever dietary needs they may have. They may need to be aware of the sugar, carbs or eggs for instance.
    Honestly I really am mad at China. Maybe you are to? I really don't trust them as to what they could possibly do to the food they may be selling to the United State. Although if the flooding is as bad as they show in the video's I probably don't need to even think about it when they don't have anything to ship here.
    I look at all the other places some of these items are coming from and I really have to wonder. I know they probably don't have our standards in manufacturing and I'm not sure if the person contracting to them is inspecting the places to make sure everything is good and safe. Some of the packaging especially with walmart was hard to tell where things are actually made. They may have a USA address but it will say packaged In whatever state. That doesn't mean it was made by that company.

The spaghetti, non aluminum baking powder, and milk are made in USA
2 boxes of Milk had 3 heavy duty bags of milk in each box making 1 quart of milk each
Applesauce from Poland (can be used instead of eggs in baking)
Pineapple from Thailand
Relish from India ( walmart brand was also in India )
3 bags Banana Chips Vietnam (the DT brand is not as pretty as the walmart bag.)
1 large Banana Chips from Philippines

The milk, pineapple, and lg banana chips were from Walmart. All the other items were $1 from dollar tree. Baking powder I had to get at Amazon. The dollar tree stuff was cheap and handy.
   None has (HFCS) high fructose corn syrup
   Walmart packaging was recloseable
    Everything here should be good about 2 years or more as is. If you packaged them different they may last longer. I can’t drink the milk but I should be able to use the other items. Depending on what additives might bite me in the lungs.
  Other than the jars everything is very portable. Good for camping or hibernation like now. If the neighborhood gets crazy there is a little nutrition. Believe me not a lot of nutrition when you read the bags but nice to have. Oh yes! Those bags? They are just about as good as the fancy emergency food storage bags you pay a fortune for.
   It’s a straight up race as to which has more nutrition going on, the spaghetti or the milk. I think the spaghetti wins really.
   I don't like to store the spaghetti in their original boxes but tall jars are expensive and it would take a lot of jars. You could actually break them in half and put in quart jars but that's a lot of jars and room also. I have been known to just stack in pantry or put in a larger plastic container and pull the boxes out as needed. My pantry is so stuffed right now that ain't going to happen ! LOL
  Think about this. If I wanted to have a years worth of spaghetti, say I had some once a week ( we don't but if we had to) that would be at least 52  of the 1# boxes to have around. Actually I think we use half a box just for us usually. So unless we had someone come stay with us or wanted to help out a kid that would be plenty enough. That goes the same for 52 jars of spaghetti sauce. Wow! That would take a load of room up ! I can't imagine where I would put all that and still have a semi neat house. Now multiply that by the 7 years a person should have available according to the Bible. OUCH! If you say had everything you needed to make those items as needed that is a lot of components to have around to mix together also. Just can't win. If you want to eat well or in some cases at all.... you just do the best you can.
    That is one thing about this pandemic / plandemic (whatever) it has really helped me focus on the what ifs.
    What if the foods I have are filling but not enough nutrition to sustain good health?
    What if I can't get to the store? (even if Amazon was out of order)
    What if prices went sky high?
    What if someone got sick and couldn't get any food in for some reason?
    What if I had to help a relative for some reason?
    What if at the very worse the area I am living in goes upside down and violent?


  1. The Lord specifically told Joseph to prepare for a 7 year drought due to affect Egypt and the surrounding area, but Google can't point me to any verses setting specific storage goals.

  2. Thank you for trying to find the correct information for me. Well then now days looks like the drought around our United States and maybe the world may not be water but a drought on how to be a courteous,kind individual, honest with words and actions. Lets just hope folks decide to be a lot better than they have been this last year or so and we don't need 7 years of chow handy. Still a year or two sure would be nice with just being good insurance for the normal crazy things in life.
    Love Ranchmama
