Tuesday, August 4, 2020


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  Sometimes my mind just keeps going. I am sure there are other people with the same problem. It may be going about what you need to do the next day or week at home or work. Maybe you have been listening to the news and can't get all the what if's and possibilities to quit running through the brain. The kids and their needs and wants or maybe you just want to have pleasant thoughts about your dream vacation.
    For me it is always going. Normal like everyone else with maybe a few quirks and tweets from the other side of our known consciousness. Now believe me it gets interesting. LOL
   Something came rattling through my head the other day when I was reading what a Aunt sent me from a religious speaker named David Jeremiah. It was one of those moments when you get that Aha ! Really! Oh So That's the way it is moments. NOW I UNDERSTAND!
This is the part that I read that gave me that moment.

Things Will Get Better
 For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord. Isaiah 11:9
Our planet is wrought with fears of pandemics, wars, earthquakes, and global economic meltdowns. The worst is yet to come for planet earth, for there is a future seven-year period known as the Tribulation. But wait! At the end of the Tribulation, Jesus Christ will descend from heaven, deal with evil, and establish a thousand-year kingdom, which we call the Millennium.

    Not everyone would have the same reaction or answers when reading this that I did. They may not even be of the same faith as that man. We may have that triggered time in our lives from something totally different. It may be something you read, something someone said, a time when your small child does something or a quiet moment in nature that for just that one moment you can see and understand what you yourself is all about.
   What is your purpose ?
   Why were you put here on this earth?
   I am not talking about the labels we have on us as Mother, Father, daughter, son, teacher, lawyer, sister, brother, fireman or police officer etc. Many things we just fall into in life. Some we actually strive for like going to school to learn how to be a doctor for instance. A lot of times we chose what we do or what we feel like we are going to do because it makes good money and should lead to a comfortable life.
   Many times people go in one direction and change their minds or life leads them in another way totally from what they thought they had planned for.
    Maybe your Aha! Moment happens when you are young. Maybe it isn't something that is your purpose for your whole life even. Maybe your moment has been happening all along and it changes as the world needs you to change.
   I read that little passage from that speaker and I could see that my life I think has been preparing me for what appears to be next. Where all the little things and interests and maybe habits I have will be what makes that Aha Moment complete. The ability to do my main purpose. I won't say what I think that is. It's pretty out there for some people.
Now that I have your brain primed lets see what happens when this starts running around in your head. LOL
    So what is your purpose for taking up space on our great earth?
    Have you found your purpose yet?
    Has your purpose found you maybe?
    Are you living a small part of your purpose leading up to the bigger whole purpose?

(Who's purpose is revealed but may be shown to all some day)

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