Friday, October 11, 2019


Hubby wakes up at all hours of the night. Heidi Ho used to wake him up around 1-2 a.m. in the morning to go outside.  He happened to be awake so he thought he would stand outside on the back porch. 
    Son - in- law has baby calves in the back pasture behind the house being weened in the smaller pasture. We have a big security light on a pole so you can see pretty good up close. We also have a pond about 100 yards out. 
   While he was standing there he thought he heard something like a dog go into the water and come out shaking off like they do when they get wet. The  difference being is that the baby calves were scared and they all moved into the circle the security light was making next to the back yard fence. Hubby said if that was a dog shaking off it was the biggest dang dog he has EVER heard before! To hear something like that so good 100 yards out it had to be big.
    Can't figure out what it was. Most dogs roaming around are not doing it at that time of night. A coyote wouldn't be that noisy because they are usually the size of a dog. the calves are used to those being around anyway. We don't have wolves, don't remember hearing about any bears in this neck of the world of Oklahoma. I know we have big cats but I can't see they would make that kind of noise. That pond isn't that deep so I don't think it would get a deer that wet and they don't have that much fur anyway.
   Son in law walked around the pond the next morning and all he saw was hoof prints. He's a good old country boy so he knows what to look for.
   Soooooooo........ like I said.......... Big Foot ?? LOL

(where it's 1 a.m. and I hear a critter rustling in the leaves by my window. I checked and at least I didn't see a 2 legged critter like last time! I'm sure it's a armadillo. )


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