Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Spring Cleaning Nightmares

     Some people can just breeze through things and get things done so fast and efficient!
 Sadly I am not one of those people.
       My usual MO is have the room just absolutely puke all in one pile or area of the room. All those things that don’t belong or use or need any more piled up or in boxes. This leaves me a area that is void of distractions and a blank slate to clean and renew. Other than being slow moving the biggest problem is what to do with all the leftover puke!! Usually it’s good puke, stuff you don’t want to replace if you chunk it or even things you still use but don’t have a nice efficient place to put it. Eventually it gets put but it takes a while and in the way and looking bad until you do.
     The before.....This is what I got out of 5 drawers in the kitchen.

         I pulled out all the plastic I could to donate somewhere. I am trying to clear my house and life of all the plastics I can. You wouldn't believe how hard that is to do !! So I just have to be happy with I cleared out at least some and have less of the plastic around. Now slider plastic bags..... I just don't think so ! LOL
     Here is a added pretty I have to replace my plastic cups and spoons. Good heavy duty ones from Sam's for $10 and the handles are sturdy and easy to use. Only thing is the measurements aren't really easy to see. Darn it. But they really are a nice improvement. 




   Bamboo divider things..... Oh My Gosh ! They are expensive. Then you add some white paper to make some of the drawers look clean and easier to see and your talking about tearing up $100 ! Ridiculous ! I do have 2 plastic drawer trays I have kept for other areas but still ....... Oh well! A one time shot and should last forever and look good. Now whether it stays this organized.... well we all know how that goes but we have to at least attempt improvements right?? LOL
    The left over puke will probably fill a old style paper grocery sack which will get stashed away out of the normal days path until I either figure out what to do with it or so much time passes it is no problem to toss. 
   So I have cleaned and reorganized my kitchen cabinets to my current life's needs and styles. Under the sink can do with some improvement but it isn't to bad and can wait. Now over the stove cabinets for sure needs some thinning but it is out of sight and out of mind so no problem there. I do have one small corner cabinet but I just don't feel like tackling that. I have so far cleaned and reorganized the pantry, spice shelf, refrigerator storage containers area, Under cabinets redone for all my baking needs with one shelf for nuts, one for chocolates, and 2 more for other baking needs. I have plastic boxes I can slide out like a drawer since I wasn't about to spend the money for a professional job! My drawers as you can see are happier, I have other drawers I reorganized for foil and parchment paper rolls and then one for those handy silly plastic baggie sliders I just can't seem to part with. Hey... at least I reuse the baggies for food left overs that doesn't go to doggie and other critters! LOL
    It looks like my next project is "MY ROOM / OFFICE". I would show you a pic but it is pretty embarrassing. There is just pretty much a path to the desk and even though I have spent 2 days going through stacks of papers on the desk it is still terrible. This is the room that Catches it ALLLLLLL !! I have a saying..... whatever it is can't escape and pass through the doorway. If it does I am done for...... the rest of the house will be a absolute wreck to the 10th power!  I'm not kidding...... Hubby has always had the shop..... the garage.... for whatever he had going on. Me... I have a little 10x10?? room and I have a lot more going on than he has ever had because I have to have things to play with to keep from going crazy. I have homeopathy, cosmetics fun, a library of books dealing with all that good stuff, a load of containers for the cosmetics and 1 oz. dropper bottles for the homeopathy, I have notebooks with recipes for food, cosmetics and medical stuff. I have shelves with over 600 homeopathic remedies in bottles and tubes, I have shelves with cosmetics ingredients to play with, I have people meds that are extra, stocked up on or tried but not used. All in 1 little room !
   I don't know I might show you a before.... maybe if I get brave or is it stupid? This room is such a pain. I will have to tackle one area at a time as I figure out how to restack, organize and use all this fun stuff. I have large closed door cabinets to go through, I have a closet currently used for 2 printers, one standard and one laser, it also houses a 2 drawer filing cabinet. I think I will empty that and put some of the other things Like cosmetic containers and people meds. I may have to find some kind of cabinet for the printers that is sturdy and just the right size. Will see how that goes...... I try to think it out as much a possible before because it is such a huge mess I have to have at least a small plan to get it back in order but that doesn't always work either. It's like moving one piece of furniture in the living room... you do that and nothing is right until you get everything else moved around at least 3 times lol
   I am almost looking forward to this room cleaning. I know I will be happier and I can get to things a lot easier. It isn't one of those JOY things but I do get aggravated when I can't work or play because of the mess. 
   Wish me luck !

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