Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Start!

Figured it might be a good idea to start the new year off right with a good luck dinner of Hopping John an bite size hush puppies. 

My mother in law would remind us every year to eat our black eyed peas an hog jowl. Sometimes she would even go to the store and drop it off for us to cook. I guess she wanted to make sure we all had good luck! Lol
    Never made Hopping John so I had to look it up on the net. Hubby wasn't a huge fan. He wanted to make sure I understood I didn't need to make it anytime soon. I tried to inform him that this was a down south meal for country folks that didn't have a lot of money for meat. I guess that's why we have a beef ranch to make sure he has meat to eat!! Lol
  Some day I'm going to try shrimp an grits.


1 comment:

  1. I had to look up Hopping John, had never heard of it, however I CAN vouch for shrimp and (cheesy) grits!
