Saturday, October 28, 2023

Time to Bring Them In !

 Time to start finding a spot to put plants in the house.
We have already had 2 or 3 light frosts but everything is ok.
Most of my stuff is on the porch away from any direct weather.

Poor things.... my house doesn't have much light with the brown paneling on the walls in the living room.
I open blinds and have lights on when needed but it still isn't enough.

I have a 3' foot round spider plant in the middle of the only used on holidays dinning room table. HUGE! Best I have ever done!
Mine is actually bigger than this one with lots of babies! I see as I'm looking for a picture there is a PINK spider plant! How fun that would be!

Then I have a aloe vera in a knee high at least 2' round pot I just drug in an put in a  corner by the front door I usually have a plant stand but it's the only place this pot will fit. Still not enough light with Oklahoma cloudy weather even with the storm door only shut. I will have to turn it every now and again. the pedals are between 1 -2 feet tall

   I put a little airie looking Asparagus Fern plant I place on the corner of the bar. Those things are hard for me to keep watered enough and they dry out so easy. So far so good. Maybe here under my nose I won't forget it.
Asparagus Fern

I have a bunch of these in all sizes and some starting out in big red plastic cups.
Haworthia 'Zebra Plant'
Haworthia 'Zebra Plant' White Stripe Aloe Spiky Succulent (2 inch)

I have snake plants in 2  oblong planters that need to come in but they have a bunch of webbing I have to get off them.

Gasteria 'Flow'
Another one that is about 10" across and I have babies everywhere in red cups to share with someone.

  I managed to get everything in. The only thing out of place are the babies in cups. I had to run out in the rain to dig up a couple of begonias to bring in a plant . Goodness that dang rain was COLD!  The pot I have them in isn't great but it will work.

Now that I have all those important things done and the mess cleaned up in my kitchen from cleaning up the plants dead leaves etc. I can move on to making some halloween cookies for the kids and I want to try decorating some caramel apples for fun. I didn't know there was so much too dipping the silly things. I bought a bag of the little apples for the kids to eat. Hubby is going to have to figure out how to keep it off his beard. He didn't have one the last time I made caramel apples years ago. LOL
    Well I hope everyone got their plants in before they freeze

( off to make halloween decorated cookies, caramel decorated apples and some brownies!)

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