Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It's just not safe

Right now to be out in public for anyone.

Everywhere I went today people were sick either with the crud or maybe the flu.
Stuffed up, sniffling etc.
I have already had 2 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids and 2 trips to the ER and several trips to the doctor just to try to breathe! I finally started treating it like a allergy with antihistamines and that helped to get it under control but I am still not out of the woods. Lousy lungs do not help this at all.

   Today I thought I think I can make it to town to drop off a big piece of hubby's birthday cake to his shut in Aunt and  get a carburetor for old blue and dollar general for a couple of things. I am tired of not getting out and around with this being sick business. Well I did pretty good except after moving around I was just all choked up again. It was a little terrifying really to tell you the truth. I was exposing myself to all kinds of things that will try to kill me. When you are sick and feeling lousy you just figure aww it's going around. But when you get out in the world and see just how much it is going around hitting all age groups it is like I really need to go home wash my hands change my clothes and hide!
    It is dark dreary and misting icy stuff. The north doors on my truck were frozen shut just enough.

    I have to wonder WHY ARE WE ALL SO SICK?!

Are we all in such sad shape and our immunity is so low anything will get us?

When this is getting all age groups not just the old folks that are sub par anyway it's pretty bad.
I know that weather really does effect the animals on the ranch. Is that what is going on ?

Our bodies just don't adjust well to weather changes?


( Who is gobbling up the Vitamin C and D3! )

1 comment:

  1. Are they putting chem-trails in your skies??
