Thursday, November 12, 2020

What If The Internet Went Down?

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   I don't think anyone even the best of "Preppers" are ready for a total internet shut down. But just think about it. So many things depend on it we would be lost in our everyday lives. We think we don't use the internet much or at all for some folks. Your average Joe and Josephine have no clue just how many things depend on the internet.
   There are some good aspects. We would actually have a good excuse to get off our cans and get outside more. We could actually learn how to deal / communicate with the people we encounter in a better way. There would probably be more jobs doing what the internet could no longer do. There are a lot of benefits to not having the net but in our modern world we all function as a whole with it much better in our lives.

What could cause the internet to go down??
I don't think it is something as simple as someone didn't pay their electric bill like some of us. LOL It could be a regional or wider-scale outage caused by faulty equipment, weather problems, accidental or malicious damage to cables, disruptions caused by malicious software such as viruses and Trojan horses. Or it could be something as simple as the need for routine maintenance.
   In today's crazy world we could encounter a EMP (electro magnetic pulse) that would damage and disable all electric operating devices permanently. A EMP could be done on purpose by bad guys or a actual burst of energy coming from the sun. A EMP could be over a certain area or like from the sun cover the earth.

Some of the things that depend on the internet.
Many grocery stores and eating places place there orders for items on the net to stock and to serve people.
Netflix and other services are done over the net.
Like during this lock down distance learning (schools) could not happen.
Lock down has many Drs. and hospitals not just talking to patients but having meetings, and so many other things on the net.
Medical records would be effected as to any availability if not more
If the Internet were to collapse, a smart grid would be crippled.
Massive power outages is a problem across any country using that system.
Heating, cooling, water supply are controlled by machines to supply us.
Loss of Internet would leave a void that other resources would need to fill.

Planes can fly without internet, and trains and buses would run.
Longer outages would start to have an effect on logistics, however.

Google Services in the back end will also come down.
Without Gmail, for 30 min. productivity across the world drops by a huge margin.
Android users will be stranded on the roads
iPhone users will be lost if Google Maps stopped working for 30 minutes.

Talk about Slow down! With no Internet access between airports, planes, ships, trains, and commercial trucking, we'd go back to tracking goods on paper.

Without the web, we'd be sleeping better, socializing more and be more active.
Cybercrime, cyberterrorism and cyberbullying would all disappear

You tube would not be there.
The major cell phone carriers use the internet for call routing and communications
Credit cards in your wallet would be useless

The economic damage wrought by the 9/11 attacks that closed Wall Street trading and cut off international flights in a large part of the world for about a week. Those losses are calculated to be over $120 billion.”

Email, it’s so crucial, a screeching halt in productivity would be huge.
Businesses with just-in-time delivery, like Amazon Prime, would halt.
Just writing letters could take a 1 1/2 weeks if Post Office still operates.
You wouldn't be reading this blog or anything else on the net. 

     I don't think any of us are ready for a long term or permanent internet outage. They say the lock down is causing a lot of stress and even suicides. I can just about bet you even if the world was opened up everywhere in every way some people would probably come close or actually commiting suicide if permanently gone.
   I don't know if you could call it laziness or folks trying to be more efficient but people have been permanently effected by the availability of having internet services. We are in some ways being controlled by our modern day comforts. We are such totally spoiled creatures! It has nothing to do with the color of our skin. It does have something to do with the money to use everything that the internet provides for sure.
   If you want to see how spoiled you really are..... go ahead... just try doing without all the things the internet depends on to operate for even 1 day, or week or a month. Bet you a nickle you can't do it for even a day! LOL

(I bet I don't even make a nickle on that bet! LOL) 

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