Sunday, September 25, 2022

Hurricanes & Inflation

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 Hurricane Season Is Here

    I know a lot of people are Hurricane Season pro's that have been through this, some I'm sure most of their lives. I live in Tornado Alley and each of us has a tornado bag to grab when it gets to close and run to the cellar or hidy hole.
   The Tornado Bag and Hurricane Bag I'm sure are very similar. It's like a overnight bag you take to spend the night somewhere but on steroids. You have anything from several changes of clothes ( for sure underwear don't want to wear dirty undies! LOL) whatever meds you need, toiletries for clean teeth, hair and body. Cash and credit cards, important numbers to contact folks, extra batteries for phone and flashlight  I could go on but never cover everything different people put in their Go Bag.
    Now I didn't mention anything about a separate Food Go Bag. Each should be good for at least a week. Longer if your lucky. It's easier to have one for each family member but at least one for the whole family. Most would keep close to the GO Bag but.... if you have kids you know darn well if kept close to them all those good snacks will mysteriously disappear. LOL So parents do what works for you.
       With tornado season we have close calls and electric can go out for days or weeks (believe me we have done weeks around here with generators) Then you have some folks that get direct hits and have nothing when they come out of the hole if they have one nearby.
      With Hurricane Season you can get direct hits like a tornado. With Hurricanes you can have close calls and not only be out of electric but have massive flooding more so than a tornado area. I don't know how you get away from hurricanes like going to a cellar when flooding is so terrible. I'm sure that is why you have sometimes millions of folks leaving town to what they hope is a safer area.
     This years hurricane season may be way different in the way people handle the hurricane. So many people are so tight on money gas may even be too expensive to travel a few hundred miles to get out of the path. If they do travel and are lucky enough to find a hotel room not taken they have to find the money to stay in the room a long time. Inflation is hurting peoples safety this season. People may be maxed out on Credit Cards and unable to use for lodging, gas and food.
     So if they can get out of the path to a friend or relatives place wonderful.
      If they feel like they have to stay home and battle it out or take their chances in unsafe areas that is a whole different problem. We always talk about the dollar amount of damages after the storms. This year the damage may be in lives being lost because they thought they would just stay home. Hope this year we are not hearing about record breaking deaths.
    The United States this last year or 3 has become more like the wild west in some areas due to the way some state governments are handling lawlessness. When weather gets crazy it seems like it's just a excuse for the mean and crazy people to come out. It is worse than it has been in many years. So everyone don't forget to add this issue to the safety list in your neighborhoods to have a safety barrier not just from the weather but the bozo's wanting to make trouble.
     There is always rushing to the stores for bottled water and batteries and food when people see the path hurricanes are taking.
The most important thing is to have a plan A and a plan B if staying home.
Let a out of state / out of path friend or relative know what you are doing so someone can send help or check on your family.
Have a exit plan if things get to crazy please!
A lot of people will not leave without their pets. Before all this mess starts get together a Pet box or bag. So many pets get lost during these storms. Even if you stay home have these things for your pets ready. If things get crazy it could help your pet from getting lost.
Have a collar with ID.
Have a leash, food, any meds.
Have some kind of pet carrier because some places will not except without and even if you have one sometimes won't. It will be handy to keep them close even if camping or at someones home.
Take pet food they are used to for a couple of weeks or more if possible. Picky eater pets are no fun.
There are a lot of people moving out of states they are not happy with into states they have no clue what to expect in Hurricane states.
    Preppers ! Oh my goodness! I'm sure they have already thought about all this but for the newbies..... or people that have never lived in Hurricane states and have no clue how bad it gets.
If you are in a flood area or your house can get water in it move your stored goods !
Even if your leaving to a safer area and can't take everything. You may be just fine or if flooded can safely salvage things.
If your lucky and only get a couple of inches inside move everything up higher. Upstairs, on top of tables anywhere you think is safe from contaminated water. This includes any bang stick supplies.
   So many people are new to the prepper scene.
I'm so happy to hear folks are thinking ahead and trying to keep from having bigger problems.
   For friends and family out of the path you know what to expect. Get all your company coming things found and ready. Even if you have plenty of open stores and people not rushing the place go ahead and get your extra company food.
    Now is the time for your outdoor kitchens to kick into operation! I know everyone has extra propane tanks. I told hubby I want a complete outdoor kitchen. Covered from weather for shade and no rain. Even Screened in would be preferred to keep out all kinds of critters. Sinks, water the whole shooting match. I specifically want some kind of cooking that you can use wood. I'm sure there are a bunch of hunters out there that can bring their hunting camp home and set up in the back yard.
   I wish everyone good luck with the weather craziness and hope all their preps are perfect for what you need.
   It's about this time of year Oklahoma actually looks forward to Hurricane season. We are so dry this time of year and our pastures and gardens need the wet stuff. It doesn't look like we are getting any rain out of this one but we sure hope so.


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