Monday, December 20, 2021

Hubby Back Surgery Update


     Everything went great and wonderful! We had to be there at 5 am Thursday morning. That means we had to leave the house at 3am. No fun but we have done that many times before in business. I got all of 2 hours sleep. I sleep weird anyway. Sometimes 4 hours at the most. So 2 hours and being all wound up with excitement of getting him fixed worked out just fine. I was wide awake. Actually I picked him up on Friday afternoon with about 6 hours of dead sleep and I had a terrible time of staying awake of the almost 2 hour drive.
     The doctor asked if we had any questions before he went in and I just told him I just want a perfect doctor, a perfect operation, perfect results.When it was done he called me and said it went perfect! He could see everything really good and didn't think he would have any more pain in the leg later. I told him I knew you could do i! It took about 1 1/2 hours in surgery. They fused, cleaned out and spaced L 3,4,5 in his back
    Trying to find my way around the big city from a country person style of driving was a challenge even with that !@#$ Google Map app! Grrr she kept trying to put me back on interstate no matter what the settings I did! I don't do interstate no matter how much shorter it's supposed to be. Just to many cars to look out for in changing lanes and finding exits driving a crew cab chevy pickup truck.
    Hubby said everyone was so good and nice he wanted me to bake them something.So I made some peppermint fudge and some super fudgy brownies. I left them with the transport person that delivered hubby to the truck. Maybe it got there I don't know. LOL I did what was requested.
    On the way home hubby said he sure does know why he does all the driving! You try driving in a big city in a tank truck and trying to figure out which turn you take in a tiny round about! I know I was where I belong but someone came zipping out in a little car as I was getting in the mix and honked at me like I was doing something wrong! I told hubby look at that idiot! I know darn well that person wasn't there before I pulled out! Then getting on the tiny bit of interstate we had to be on it had a short on ramp. I was trying to get out in the mess having to wait for the traffic to clear at the end of the easement. Got honked at for that one too because they thought I was pulling out in front of them! So between cussing Miss!!@#$ Google trying to deter my path and idiot drivers I was cussing and fussing. Hubby said he can't wait to start driving again! LOL I told him give me a smaller doctor appointment car and it wouldn't be so bad!
    Had to do the drug store thing for good pain drugs and he just couldn't wait to get home. Telling me to hurry up every chance he got. He has 3 prescriptions for various pain, inflammation etc. which he isn't going to take all of them just to avoid the stomach ulcer issues again. He also has to have a back brace on any time he is traveling in the truck or up walking around for any real length of time. At this time he is having to use a walker around the house. He said the pain he has now is painful but nothing like the nerve pain he was having in his leg. He actually hurts all over pretty bad but it is starting to get better already. You have to remember he hasn't been able to do much for 8 months with the actual left leg. This limits his body staying in any kind of decent shape. Then walking and sitting funny for so long because of the pain makes your body have lots of pains.   
   It is soooo nice to have my husband back almost.... They told him no BLT Bending over, lifting over 5 pounds, no twisting for several weeks. He told me I was going to have to help him with his socks and shoes. I told him that's ok. He said he can't pick up anything off the floor. I told him that's ok too. Actually that's nothing compared to what I was having to do when he was trying to die on me with the bleeding ulcer. I didn't realize what kind of strain it was putting on me all this time. I did have to get a low does happy pill I told my doctor. I told her lets try Wellbutrin. So it has helped me get a lot of the energy back for sure. I automatically still watch him and ask him what he needs when he is uncomfortable and shifting in the chair. It makes a world of difference when I can travel on the dirt road and I don't see him squirming in the seat trying to find a comfortable way to sit. Worrying about even the smallest bumps hurting him. How about go somewhere and having to go as fast as I dare so he can get out of the truck where it hurts to sit. All these things have been on the alert for to help him feel better. That's mainly just the traveling part. In the house it is even more so alert.
  Now all I have to do is feed him some good high protein healing food ever day and watch the improvements!

Oh Yes! If you or anyone else is in the hospital watch the meds. The either disappear for some people or like in hubby's case they flat didn't have some of his! Not only that he was not giving his medicine on time. In this hospital when you need meds the nurse puts it in the computer. Someone runs down to the pharmacy somewhere then brings the meds to you. By the time they send someone to get the meds and return you can be hours late taking them. Even the doctor said to just bring his own it will be easier. We did on a couple but not on his BP meds. With some of the other meds he was taking it made his BP go up to 160/100. He was miserable!



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