Saturday, October 2, 2021

Do You Have a Plan?

 Do You Really Need a Business Plan? - AED - Arlington Economic Development

  Well looks like here we go again with all this crazy food shortages stuff. Remember last time I said be ready for 9 months. This time I honestly think it would be very smart to plan for over a year. More like 2 years to be able to feel comfortable for your family.
   I have shown my husband some prepper pantries on you tube anyone would drool over. My mister neat freak says...."It looks like a grocery store! Where would you put it all??!!!"
   True some folks are lucky to not only have the money but a nice neat place to store things for their future needs. What I did notice on a lot of them were folks that cook like city people. If they run out of some of those boxes bottles and cans they would have no clue on how to cook from scratch or have many of the ingredients to do it if they wanted to. That's another reason to have some of your families favorite recipes written or typed up in your own little family 3 ring binder. If the family cook gets out of commission someone else can fix the favorites.
   I also think about some of those fancy words like renewable resources. What the heck kind of mess do you have when you run out of those wonderful stores of family nutritional foods? Where do you get more if the trucks aren't delivering or the factories aren't running or the ports continue to stay closed?
   Our modern ways are not dependable any more. Some may be totally unavailable for some people in some places. So maybe it's time to go back to old school where we can!  We can relearn some of the things that big corporations have allowed us to forget in all our modern comfort. It is extremely hard to be a self sufficient  family all on your own especially if your just feeling like you need to in our current political climate. Working with others or church groups where you have numerous people doing what they do best and everyone learning and supplying each other is the best way to go in this day and age.
   I ran across a website that will let you calculate how much food you need for how many adults and children you have in your family or how ever many people you want to have food available for.

 I tried to put a PDF. of all the data I ran but I can't figure out how to get it in this. If I have the time I will try to get it in another post. In the mean time send me you email and I will try to send you what you request if you can't get it.

I have food needs for a year for 4, 25,100,1000 people in PDF

I also have a decent list of heirloom seeds you may want to try in PDF. Believe me this isn't a complete list of veggies but it's a start of things to look for. Get your seeds this year for next. The supplies are running short in many areas.

I also have a list of 50 Items for Survival and Victory in a PDF. There may be something in there you haven't thought about you can learn or stock up on. This link may be blocked because of the place it's coming from but you can try it.

For me I just figured I would call the children adults since there are times in their growing they eat more than any adult would. LOL  Just out of curiosity I wanted to see how much food different numbers of people would need for a year. So I ran the numbers for a family of 4. A extended family of 25 ( you know aunts uncles etc. people that didn't plan ahead). Then I thought about what about whole churches or groups of people or small neighborhoods. I calculated for 100 people. Well shucks if you can calculate for a 100 people why not whole small towns. So I calculated for 1000 adult folks. If your town is bigger than that you can do some math.
   WOW! On all levels. It is amazing what a small family goes through on your standard stuff! If you want a bigger wow look at 100 people in church or 1000 people in a small town can go though!
   I got to looking at the list and realized mostly there are loads of things that can be grown locally in not only Oklahoma but other states. If the churches in these small towns or even individuals got together and made a plan on growing these things the whole town wouldn't have to depend on wally world for every little thing. You don't have to worry if the trucks from across the United States are going to be able to deliver so many needful things.
   The best part of all is when a whole town is trying to supply their own needs that makes for many ways to grow into other areas. People can learn how to can or dry foods. Some of those churches have some really fancy kitchens and I am sure there are people there that can teach other people how to can tomatoes or make jelly or lots of other things. Since canning lids may be scarce they can teach them how to dry veggies like people did 100 years or so ago. There are so many possibilities. Local cattle men can supply meat if there is a butcher in the area to be sold or traded to the towns people.
    Medicine may also be in short supply or unable to make it to our country since many things are made in India or China. It wouldn't hurt to have some of the people interested in herbal medicine to have available some of the herbs that can be grown in the area and used for medicinal purposes. I know that is something so far out in left field for most people but if it comes down to you can't get a hold of your meds and you feel like crud you got to try something!
    For all those people trying to grow food that leaves a opening for people with green thumbs to grow some garden plants to set out for folks to buy or trade for. Learning to use heirloom seeds will sustain a group for years.
   Bread is such a staple for people. When the store runs out or your pantry stores run out of the bread maker mix and your flour bin is empty. Farmers can grow wheat. Just the processing of the wheat to get it into a bakable form like in the grocery stores would supply a lot of jobs for the local people.  I know they say they can't get people to work and a lot of them may be unable to work due to age or poor health but I bet you can get forks to work and pay them with the food harvest.

    There are options out there. It isn't hopeless. We just need folks that can organize a community for food resources instead of trouble making like we have seen on tv news in the past. Churches have the best platform to reach more people and find more folks with the ability to do some of these needful things.

    Think about it...... it can be done..... if they did this 100's of years ago with their limited tools and knowledge this should be a breeze for the modern community.


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