Sunday, October 11, 2020

Small Town Country Goings On

   I should have posted this at least 2 weeks ago but life has gotten in the way so I guess better late than never. LOL Nikki's father in law did bring me one last small black diamond watermelon last week I hope it's a nice as this one I found on the net.

                                                Source FRESH BLACK DIAMOND WATERMELON
      You know summer is done when you can't go downtown along the road and get your watermelon for the week. I bought my last one this past week from a different watermelon person. I guess the original watermelon man sold all his 9000 plants worth of watermelons. This last one was a $10 black diamond. It was pretty good but a little too ripe inside. It's funny I was going to save the seeds since it isn't a hybrid ( I think) and you can do that. So I cleaned them all off and put in the oven on a tray with just the oven light on to lightly dry them without killing them. Then the next day I was baking something and was preheating the oven. I smelled something funny and realized I had done roasted the dang seeds and ruined them! Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes! LOL The people I got this watermelon from was down in the park. She was selling them for her brother that was growing them for the first time. I got to talking to them to encourage them to please grow more things and to have some winter produce to sell locally. I spoke with them about how each town needs to be able to supply themselves with as much as possible so when things get bad again (and it will) we don't have to worry about wally world getting a supply in. I spoke with them that we even need a good local butcher. She said one of her brothers was getting a license / permit ? something and going to open a place up. I made sure to encourage all I could and let them know I was really tickled. She said they were also going to get a greenhouse for winter produce. I know folks make plans and then it doesn't work out but I have talked to several people with these same kinds of plans. We need as many as we can get going locally. It really can't be fast enough. It is nice to know that people are looking at options but from my conversations they haven't quite got to the planning as far as I have and think we need in all our small towns. It is a start though and small starts are better than no starts.
    The humming birds have not been around as much in the last 2 weeks. I don't know if the hurricanes and heavy rains in general have made a difference or they also know fall is here and time to go south. Very unusual since they started going away in August.
   The watermelons this year don't seem as nice in years past. Just not that good bright red and sweet flavor. They were ok but if your picky like me I have had much better. Cantaloupes I have tried several this summer. Either to green, to ripe, no flavor or even tasted like dirt! Now Okra I did good on..... I bought maybe $60 worth and Nikki's husband pitched some my way. I know it's probably cheaper to buy but hubby doesn't like the way it is breaded. I also keep the local farmers in business and there is just something satisfying about doing it yourself! I have I don't know how many quarts in the freezer ready for this winters dinners maybe 15? We get 2 meals from each bag. Now husband sometimes his appetite isn't great but when it comes to okra I think he could wipe out the whole bag.


  Okra didn't do good in the gardens this year either.I was lucky to be able to find some at the local park where folks sell their produce. Too cool at the beginning then hot and wet later on it seems like.   

  My daughter in Arkansas has the certified organic garden. I don't know what her final summer production was. She is almost always in production with removing old and replanting new. She has had several items that just got flooded and had to replace 100's of plants. They have had some bad winds over there and her nice High Tunnel greenhouse was damaged one week then the next week another high wind came through and finished it off totally. What a mess. She called around trying to get a idea for insurance how much it would cost to replace and it is $23,000 I think she said. Trying to get a hold of anyone to answer a phone or come deal with the insurance paperwork is almost impossible. Most are working from home and when you do get someone they tell her we are busy everywhere dealing with hurricane damage will get to you as soon as possible. Finally got a contractor to come out to look at her roof. It has been needing repair for a while. She has called around and shingles are nowhere to be found either! I have been complaining about my too small fridge for a while now. She said to be sure and try to get one before this older one goes out because you can't get some appliances now either with the factories either not working or in low production in general. She had to replace a appliance recently and ran in to that problem.
     I am supposed to be in the kitchen cleaning it up. That is pretty much a non stop job for me but it always has been. Now that I may be wiser and am also slower and less energy it really takes a while and tears ups some major time!
   I had my kitchen arranged so I could enjoy a actual baking area for my desert baking. Had everything all set up real nice organized and handy. Then this virus thing came along. Which cancels out any real family get together's. I still bake birthday cakes and deliver to that person. I still am searching for new recipes I can make with this crazy tick issue of Alph Gal allergy. Actually I made my first ever run at zucchini bread this past week. I know it's hard to believe but I have never made a zucchini bakery item! The first time I tried a Paula Deen recipe. That one didn't work out. Just wouldn't cook good and came out soggy almost. The second one I made was a All Recipe thing with upmpteen jillion reviews. Now that one turned out good. Said it would make 2 loaves and it did. Sometimes they don't always make what they say it will. Then I tried it again and it will make a dozen muffins and only about a 1" high loaf. So if Nikki's father in law brings some more zucchini I will see what it will make with muffins only. That's the thing with recipes. If you finally find a good one you need to know just what size of loaf and how many then the same with muffins. So it takes several baking sessions to get the notes on the recipe down right. I do have one loaf in the freezer and shared a loaf and some cupcakes with Nikki and her grandparents.
    I am back to ground O on the food organizing again. I like to stock up. Given today's world it just has a way of feeding that concern. This kitchen was originally made for a school teacher that shopped for just what they needed for the month at the most. They were just feeding themselves no children. She was not a from scratch person like me and just lived life different. Soooo I am dealing with a tooo small kitchen... a too small fridge.... ( 20 years ago it was just fine but things change and eating and cooking styles change) Now I am going back emptying shelves and cabinets and I still can't find room for just basic extra's. I have what I call the computer room / office I need to turn into a huge nice pantry. But what would I do with all the other stuff in there? Daughters are the toss in the trash people. I don't do that because I really do use most of it or I have projects in progress that take a while to do and finish. The garage is organized but not for my stuff. It's mainly a man thing going on out there other than the washer/ dryer, freezers and grill.I have one red cabinet on wheels with extra serving stuff and small appliances. It's frustrating. Oh I know I'm spoiled...LOL
   I am thinking about Christmas already! I know, I know it's a cuss word to some anytime before November. I am keeping my eyes open for presents but I need to think about recipes. I haven't even touched enough on the summer recipes and here comes fall! The apples and pumpkins and all the other goodies to bake!
   Always something to do some needed some just because. We are having temps in the low 80's in the day and 58-64* temps at night this week.


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