Monday, January 27, 2020

Home Restaurant Prep Check

    I know with all this stuff going on in the world I can't decide whether to be calm and say Hmmm what will happen will happen or Oh, It's just a big scare it isn't that bad or let myself go into a slight panic mode.
  I think this would be a good time to take a inventory of not only food stuffs but cleaning and medicine and general family items we don't want to run out of ( don't forget your pet meds and pet foods ) either to keep away from the crowds or to totally be able to do a lock down if things really went upside down.
Have you ever worked in a restaurant or wanted to?
There are lots of things online from professional sources to let you know how it's done.
Sure I have a good basic idea as any house kitchen person does but it is refreshing to see how the pro's do things. 
I have been wanting to make a menu like when you go out to eat for my house.
You know, hand the hubby a menu and say place your order.
I'm kind of a short order cook anyway. I have never been one of those to put something in the crock pot and say cook all day. Same goes for the oven. Usually the longest I use the oven for is a cake or pie.
    I have been making a list of all the Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals we normally eat. I am even remembering some of the ones we haven't had in a long time. (It's called a rut folks)
Then I list the different drinks we like, breads and desserts etc.

    When I get them all done I will put on a Excel sheet and see how it shapes up. This is the one I found I like it says,
Food Storage Calculator Use our calculator to determine how much food you need to store depending on your families needs and goals for long term food storage.
On that same page on the right they have 3 Month Supply Planning Sheets

    I downloaded both and added the food calculator to the 3 month thing so they would all be together I then did some more moving around and put the common food items with the calculator sheets. Still have some adjustments to make to get it right. That is what is so nice all this can be made to do things the way you like it. Shoot you could even have a section in there on garden seeds you plant or I even saw one somewhere for a list of ammo.
    This will also help me see what we are lacking in the nutrition department. As we age those requirements become really more important for a chance at decent health.
    After the menu's I need to have the items I would cook easily available. I normally have a decent supply of chow on hand and don't usually have to go to town for a ingredient.
    I actually do make ahead waffles and freeze because it takes so long and a huge mess in the kitchen. Just put some in the toaster and I am ready to go. I could do this for muffins, cookies, some cakes also. I'm not usually good at sticking a casserole in an saying cook. That goes along with the crock pot methods to me. I still haven't found the perfect biscuit recipe for me. I want one that is huge cat head size that is soft and fluffy. I have tried several but nothing what I really like.
  Storage is always a problem even with just everyday food for a couple of weeks much less a crazy pandemic! Something else you have to remember....... THIS IS OKLAHOMA....... TORNADO ALLEY FOLKS.... We can invest in a lot of food here and it get blown away the next day so easily.
    Well guess I better go. This home restaurant thing isn't going to get off the ground if I don't at least attempt to knock something off the list every now and then. If that means I am a little more ready for a upside down world then all the better! LOL

1 comment:

  1. The wife and I are in a food rut too! LOL! We try to buy a 7 or 8 pound chicken on sale and cook it on Sunday afternoon. We'll eat chicken with a couple of vegetables the rest of the week, with a salad! Saturday night is usually pizza and Sunday night spaghetti. That's our food rut! LOL -- Love, Dave
