Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Day 3 Full Tilt Aftermath

What a mess! From the moment breakfast was done on the 17th until supper time about 6pm I was (I want to say non stop ) but I know better. I did take a few hours total off my feet when my back hurt or I just HAD to take a break. Wow! I hurt this morning! I knew I would. Just didn't exactly know how much or where. Turns out lower back and hips ...... naturally my transmission goes out easiest of all. LOL I even took 1 Tylenol. I know that may not sound like a big deal to some but I don't do OTC meds unless I really have to. 1 Tylenol will normally work for 1.5 days for me. Hubby told me last night that in a day or 2 of something goes out this is what did it !  Isn't getting older fun! _N_O_T_! Oh well I figure if you don't use it you loose it. I have definitely found it this morning! LOL LOL LOL LOL
   What did I get done other than make a absolutely big mess and get really sore???
Well I made that chocolate cake again. This time I let it stay plain. Wrapped it in saran wrap and foil and put it in the freezer. This will be for my attempt at the Black Forrest Cake. I just thought about it..... I wonder how the heck I'm going to get it there in one piece with a cherry filling? Lots of long toothpicks to pin it?? I don't know.... I will worry about it when the time comes. The thing now is a protective box to get it there in. I might just have to hold it in my lap.... not the first time..... How the heck do professional catering / bakers do it??!!!
     I also made the Mexican Wedding cookies. Cooked about 6 with 2 different size scoopers to see which one cooked and tasted better. Looks like the little bitty one gets the job done. Usually I am like Tim The Tool man, more power, more power! Except with me it, bigger, better, more food! But when I had them cooked the smaller cookie was better because you for sure needed a good drink when done because it kinda sorta gums up the mouth. The larger cookie you just about needed a 1/2 a glass of something to drink ! LOL It was like when you were a kid and mama let you play with the left over pie crust. You know when you roll it out and butter and then cinnamon and sugar? This didn't have the same flavor but it for sure was like a pie crust with little pieces of pecans all rolled up with powdered sugar on it all. Really pretty good. Just so soft and crumbly .... I would say melts in your mouth except you have to wash it down with something. LOL I have this in the fridge for a last minute cook off before the party.
    I then made the Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies..... That was interesting! Sorta? Weird ingredients with the hot spices in it. It said to take them out while still soft in middle but when time was up they were down right jiggly. So I baked just a little while longer. So they were soft but still done. THAT was a mistake! Came out hard crunchy when cooled off. I tasted the dough when mixing and my sensitive tongue said to hot for me. When son in law tried one he said he couldn't taste any chili in it at all till maybe the last bite. Some folks can take the heat I could have probably put ghost peppers in them and he could barely tell it. LOL So when I cook them for the party they will for sure come out when jiggly ! Oh yes I tried a cooked cookie and it was one of those things you eat it and it warms up later like some peppers do.

Ok I took a 2 hour break.... Husband must have looked at the kitchen an decided he wasn't getting breakfast soon enough and said lets go eat at Mc D's.That was nice! Usually we just do that if we have something else we have to get done and it's just quicker and on the way. Even though we just sat in the truck it was nice to get out of a messy house in the sunshine and just do something different like eat breakfast out.
   The biggest problem was.... We got back home went down to the old house and retrieved a large plastic box full of corning ware lids. 11 of them. They were sitting on a place about ready to fall down and get broken. I guess he figured I had a mess anyway lets just add to it. GGGrrrrrr. Oh Well. Now I have to not only find time, energy and a place to put these gems I have to figure out just how many times I have to put these through a dish washer to convince myself they really are clean and not nasty. Hmmm
   Ok now time to get back and tackle that mess. When I get that done I can stop look at my notes and see where I am at and what needs to be done next. Somewhere in here I have to plan for our overnight trip to Kansas to pick up the new doggie. Like I said.. I think I can,I think I can.
   Well it's been 2 days now and I still don't know where I'm at other than behind. LOL I have to find places to put the lids and a few other things we brought up and my new  food warmer I bought. Hopefully I can get ground taco meat, mashed up mexican beans, chili, taco shells and flour tortilla's in all this for burritos etc.

I'm going to finish up hopefully getting the kitchen back into working order with the accessories we brought in then I'm going to do a inventory once again of the things I need to restock up on. It's crazy how much stuff you have to have around when your cooking from scratch and doing very much of it.


( I think I added a new cookie recipe to try, NYC  Levain Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies it takes a full 16 oz for 8 cookies that weigh 6 ozs. each ! )

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