Saturday, August 8, 2020

Okra Fix'ns

    Went to town the other day and stopped by one of the places where local farmers show off and sell their produce. This person has been there for absolute years. His daddy started it and you could always count on getting good homegrown watermelons there. He also usually had some cantaloupes, tomatoes, and on this day okra. His daddy died a year or 2 ago of cancer and it looks strange not seeing him there.

   It's really cool. In front of his sisters beauty shop you drive by and you can see their truck backed up to the curb to entice you as you drive down the road. If they have extra goodies they have a table to the side of the truck loaded down with whatever else has been grown and not bought out yet.
   The cool part is WAYYyyyy before this virus thing you could always drive up tell them what you wanted (if you didn't want to get out and pick the best ones) and he would load it up and you fork over the loot and your on your way.
    I didn't have room for watermelon in the fridge. I drove up and asked if he had any okra. He said he did and I asked him how much do you have? He went into the beauty shop a minute, came back out and did more counting and he came back to tell me he had 7 heaped up green box pints. I asked how much for all? He said $3 a box so $21.00. I told him I would take it ! He went back and loaded up a walmart plastic sack with all the okra they had. It filled the bag up over 1/2 way.  He brought it over to the truck opened the door and set it inside for me. I handed over the money and asked him if I could talk them out of a cutting on a big tall succulent pencil stick looking cactus. Went back and cut me off a hunk , mama wrapped it in a wet paper towel and brought it too me.
    I had to tell her my good news about the all clear at the cancer doctor and I didn't have to come back for a year. Once you have lost someone to cancer like they did it's a good thing to hear good news. I told her God is taking care of me real good.
     So here it is 8 1/2 pounds of Okra. 8 eggs, a load of cornmeal and a whole jar of corn starch later. I usually put the cornmeal on first then anything else that has a sticky spot get the cornstarch. The cornstarch adds to the crunch for us.
   All this will go in the freezer except what we are going to eat the next meal or two. Each quart bag should get us about 2 meals. When you freeze okra then thaw out sometimes you cook it and it isn't as crunchy as we like so when it is thawed all the way I toss it all again with a bunch of cornmeal before frying up.
    So tonight looks like we are having fried Okra, Hubby gets pork chops, I get some kind of chicken tenders since I can't do pork, some good bread and butter. He gets tea and I get water. I don't really have any dessert going right now. I messed up my right arm so I am lucky to do anything at all until it decides not to be mad at me in a few days. LOL



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