Monday, June 28, 2021

Life Lately

                              Sciatica Pain Relief

      Every since early April life has been very busy and a strain to say the least. Hubby has been inflicted with sciatica in his left leg. We went through all the normal heat / cold tylenol. Then it just gets worse you go to the GP..... there you get more heat/cold and a cream for the leg  pain. Another week goes by and you go back to GP and you get norco but with all the other meds worries about accidental overdose with other meds he's taking so send me to get narcon (sp) that stuff you shoot up a persons nose when they take to many drugs. Told the Dr. already went through the not waking up business. No drugs involved then but just didn't wake up. Told her believe me not about to do that again so you can send it home with us but we are not going to take as much of the other stuff to worry about that. Finally got sent to pain management and of course they know it is between L4 and L5 they have done it so much. They gave him gabapentin for pain also.  Do some kind of scan to show exactly where it is and set up a day to do a 10 minute procedure to put a couple of shots in the right place under happy don't give a flip meds. Took care of the pain from the rear down but not from the knee down. That is with the next procedure in 2 weeks. Somewhere in all this time we made I think 3 trips to the ER for toridal shots and that worked for 3 days and that was it. Cool part about the toridal shots was it was like he didn't have any Parkinson's at all! Going to have to look into that better. If that can calm something down enough where he doesn't show parkinsons problems then I want to know what it is that is so inflamed that is making him do that! Maybe we can actually figure it out and NOT have the problem? Makes sense to me! Will keep searching on that.
  During all this I need to get dr to up my thyroid meds again hurt all over and dragging my tail and BP is up. It has been hard to do anything with brain and energy going on vacation.
    Hard to get anything done around here. I am constantly on call to the point I take my phone to bed with me near my head so if he gets up and needs me he can call. Sometimes between parkinson's med and pain meds not working right it is hard for him to get dressed and undressed. He tries but has to give up sometimes and have me help him. Sometimes he just wants me around when he just doesn't feel sure of himself just in case he needs me. 24/7 I am used to being on call around the ranch but this is a whole lot different believe me!
     I miss baking I did manage to make 2 honey pecan pie's for Hubby and Son in law's Father's Day
    I haven't been able to leave hubby alone even to go to grocery store so have to do everything and take him along in constant pain squirming trying to relieve the pain. Trying to drive fast without hitting all the bumps or pulling over so he can get out and stretch so they don't hurt for a few minutes. The pain pills barely work at all even after the procedure so far. It's constantly something! When at home helping him up and down and making sure he's taking the right meds on time ever 4 - 6 hours around the clock. I also get to do all the money handling around here which is different since he used to do all that. He just can't handle even thinking about it down with everything else going on. It's been rough!
    I can finally leave him alone at least after this procedure but it scares him still after going through all that with pain so bad you can't move and get stuck in one place.
With all this my brain and energy won't let me get much done It's just a bit overwhelming lol
I'm very ready for normalish lol. Forth of July celebrations..... sounds normal and relaxing compared to the last couple of months!
   There are a lot of other things going on I can't get into right now but in a few months I can talk about.
    I have things to say about the world in general. I just can't get my brain the the correct mode to chat. I know I have not returned some phone calls and texts and emails and I would like to apologize for that. I hope to catch up if we can get things going better.

Love Ranchmama
( ready for calmer, pain free, baking days!)

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