Monday, May 20, 2019

Rabbit Hole Funny

                Image result for Tornado

  (I don't know where the images come from but would like to thank them for doing such a good job!)
      Being in Tornado Alley everyone needs a place to run and hide when the weather get nasty I call it the rabbit hole.
      One of the things I talk about when it gets tornado season around here and sometimes in other states is being ready.....
On the Oklahoma television ads they call it being weather aware. That's just the way it is around here. I don't know about other states but in Oklahoma you watch the news and weather for all the bad stuff coming. You watch the sky and you know when it is time to run to the rabbit hole.
   Talking to a lady in Tennessee recently. Told her I thought that the south east quarter of the USA is going to be getting a lot more nasty weather than usual. I asked if she had a cellar. No is usually the answer. I asked if she had a tornado bag like many of us do in Oklahoma. Didn't have a clue what that was. I simply asked what would you do if a tornado came and you came out of a shelter and nothing was left. Totally wiped out. The answer .... I don't know I never thought about that is another normal answer. To kind of shake things up a little bit I ask them how long do you like to wear dirty underwear ? Well.. I, I, don't ! Of course you hear that one. LOL Then I ask if everything is blown away, even the local walmart or whatever stores, the government is going to come some day soon you hope and relocate you to a relatives house or a shelter.  What are you going to do for clean underwear for you your kids or whoever is living with you? What about a simple change of clean clothes? Maybe a hair brush or even toothpaste and brush. How many people are in your family? 4, 6 8 ? Just think none of you would have even one simple change of clothes or even a washrag to wash with. No meds, food or water.
   It is usually a eye opener. They then understand why a tornado bag. Sometimes they say they are going to go home an make one and I point out everyone needs one.
    All this is leading up to 
         I had this conversation with a 80 year old Aunt. She has a mentally slowed husband. They have a tornado safe room and I called to ask if she was already for any bad weather. She said she sure was! I asked what was in her room. She said some chairs. I asked not even a case of water? No nothing. After talking with her about the stuff above she got to thinking that she could put some stuff in there and it would be a good thing.
   Today I called and asked if she had her extra underwear packed.She said she sure did! She was at the store getting the throw away kind ! It took me a few minutes to catch on an I finally realized she was buying adult diapers / underpants to have extra ! We both laughed so hard about that. I told her I forgot about all that for older adults ! I guess you are for sure packed and ready then !
    We can never be ready enough. You just can't take all the important and precious stuff in a couple of bags for each person. All we can do is try to save our own hides and whoever is with us in the rabbit hole.
    If you have friends or relatives here in Oklahoma or in other states that don't usually even get bad weather this may be a good chat to have with them. Something about being without clean drawers seems to make people think about stuff ! LOL

Everyone keep safe in all these tornadoes, hail and extra water flowing everywhere.
Feel free to share this with anyone you feel like may need to hear it.


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