Tuesday, November 1, 2016

We are a MESS !

The people I talk to on the email lists on the net pretty much knows as a nation we are a mess! Most of the time we are referring to the nations government and how it is conducted or the people that have no clue just what kind of MESS we are really in.
   What I would like to talk and maybe rant about is the real people at home. The people that actually make up the National MESS as a whole. Those individuals and families out there we encounter every day for some of us.
    I live a fairly sheltered life here on the ranch. Go to town when I have to otherwise about once a week. I don't socialize much. Just don't need to when I am busy and a lot of people don't live like I do so not so much in common sometimes. I do have net friends and keep up with family on the net with emails and FB sometimes after a while I call to hear a voice about every month or so.
   I do encounter folks that we hire to help out around here. I get to know them pretty well either with helping someone with something when they ask or seems like I make a pretty good sounding board.
   What I am seeing isn't all that much political folks but just people trying to survive the day or week. Most of the time it is about money and paying bills but anymore many of these people are having a hard time putting food on the table. I know a couple of hunters that can put meat on the table but then I know some that don't hunt, have a gun in the house and wouldn't know how to either shoot the gun or hunt. Gardens do not seem to be a common thing with these folks. Some of it they don't have the know how. Most of it I think is just too preoccupied struggling with life. Folks say get help with food stamps and all but these folks don't seem to qualify from what they say. If they do it isn't enough to do much good.
   I know one man that works for $50 a day. Hard worker. We pay him $10 a hr. and I try to give him some frozen hamburger meat for a couple of meals. He said they usually eat hot dogs for their meat. An other person I know is the only single mother working in the family of 2 teen girls, a grandmother, a baby and a adult brother in the house. Whatever funds they may get goes really quick!
   All these people are used to tough times and being what a lot of people would call poor. They cope, they cut corners better than I could any day!
   What I am also seeing with other people are problems other than money. We are talking about health issues with pain, addictions with drugs, gambling and who knows what else.
   Then you have people that have survived and gotten away from physical and mental abuse. I know of women that have been put in the hospital by men and lucky enough to get away and change their lives. Still the abuse goes on. They have survived but the mental issues that go along with it are still there. It is amazing some of the little things that can be attributed with abuses. Their reactions to life situations, their thinking isn't clear and although their life is much better they really don't know how to cope and manage to make true progress and not have to struggle not only with money but with the rest of the family and the quirks they may have acquired through the years of abuse.
    We are a nation of broken people. Millions of people are truly broken big time. We are all a little goofy and have cute or just plain weird harmless quirks. I am talking about people that are broken just enough not to have a complete whole moderately happy family out there. Then you have the serious millions of folks that are so broken in the head they are dangerous or generally a useless drain on the government or the community or family around them.
    Some folks just can't be fixed even with good meds. They are such a mess they really one day need to disappear. I know that is brutal but true. Other folks can be fixed. It would take time but it's like they need to start all over from kindergarten on the basics. That is a lot of hand holding for a long time!
    Even if you were to fix folks up with whatever government or charity program out there..... it should be only temporary and I think many of the programs are only to get by a little easier. I'm sure there is counseling to talk to folks to work through whatever but I am not sure (since I have no training or actual experience with that sort of thing) how much of that isn't just a band - aid for something that will never heal enough.
     I just don't know if these damages from folks growing up in continuous drama can acquire enough skills to graduate to total independence of government or private helping hands. They have not been trained or wired that way from childhood many times. It's like getting a plow horse and putting a really well known jockey on top of it and expecting them to win the Kentucky Derby. It AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. Some folks get a good start in family life but later on they are always behind the 8 ball. Many just flat out get overwhelmed with life and all the things they have to handle. One stressful thing after another, daily sometimes.
   How in the heck do we fix it. I don't think nationwide government programs are the answer.I think it needs to be more of a local thing.
Well that is all for now.
I will think more about how to Clean up or Fix The MESS another time.


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