Thursday, July 3, 2014

Dead Cows, July 4th, Craziness in General

    Yesterday we had to go out of town and we left the gate so the fuel man could still get in a fill the gas tank. On the way out the man called and said he got stuck in out yard down at the barn. Don't know how he managed, even he said he backed into it wrong. We called the local helper and got lucky he was still close to our house. He got the John Deere tractor and pulled him out. He got really close to the fence with is front bumper and that means he was way the heck off course!
It is already a busy day this Thursday. Checked the cows. Saw a coyote party feasting on a cow that died a couple days ago. Not often you see them in the day light 2-3 at a time. Pretty cool. Normally something like that we like to keep thinned out of the area since there are so many but I told hubby to leave them alone and let them be the clean up crew. I had one of those moments about then and wondered if coyotes like to roll around in dead stuff the way dogs do. I bet they like their what I call "doggie perfume" as much as the dogs do.  Just never have seen that yet.
      Don't know exactly what happened to the cow. One day everyone was fine then we skipped a day of feeding and then she was dead on the next feed day.  There was a tree not too far off and we have had some thunderstorms and lightning. We wonder if the lightning got her. By the next feed morning when we found her she was already so bloated if was nasty. Hubby usually looks for bullet holes. It is too stinky to be there much, we didn't think to look for burn marks. Then again she was a very big 1200 - 1500 lb. cow. Very pregnant and with all this heat and humidity it is entirely possible she could have just keeled over from the weather.
    So the rest of the day was spent soothing a panic attack trying to find someone to bale and wrap about 150 large round bales of hay for us. Our regular guy said the last 3 yrs he is going to quit. We told him please let us know so we can make plans. Well ....... the turkey didn't tell us and you talking about hubby having a panic attack ! I called folks I knew, the John Deere place and all kinds of folks. Left messages told them we would pay them cash. Only had 1 man actually call us back. The few I got a hold of were of course already booked up and didn't have time for anyone else. This man actually came out and on time and did what he said he would do. Better than most of the others I called. Funny it is the Mexican and the Mennonite that are polite enough to call back and do what they say they would do. What is wrong with all the other white folks around here? Common every day politeness just doesn't exist any more???
   Took Heidi Ho to the Vet before he closed for the 4th to get her arthritis shot. Hubby picked up shipping boxes and I tried to get into the groove of making some kind of July 4th picnic food. The food part didn't happen. After dealing with a upset hubby all day and all the other crazy things going on I had a hard time changing channels to clean up mode in the kitchen. My housekeeper had to deal with a sick hubby and wasn't able to do that this week. It is the only thing that gets my house cleaned up and shining. With all the ranch helping I do it is just hard to get the other things done I am supposed to do. I finally blew it today when hubby was talking about doing something for him ...... I asked him with the !!@#$ is something going to get done for me?!! He had no clue what the heck I was talking about. So it looks like we will have another ignored holiday with what little whoop T do we do have is what I do or insist on doing like watching the fireworks in town or something.
   When you don't have kids and grand kids living close enough to drop in you can't even eat cool picnic food because hubby doesn't like most of it and have you ever tried making picnic food like tater salad and deserts for 2 people? Like I said when family isn't close by it changes everything.
    Maybe Friday I can get with it at least a little bit. I have no clue if the grocery store will be open if needed but I guess I will just have to wing it !

(Pretty good at last minute celebrating food. Just have to get everyone out of the way )


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