Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Post *** Storms***

Been trying to figure out what in the world to post the first go around. I am so behind on my Ranchmama letters it just ain't funny!
    Today Tuesday, May 24th has been a humdinger of a adventure in a worrisome kind of way. All the day before they had been talking about super bad weather. Well here in central Oklahoma we can sure get that and sometimes you just think the weather people want to scare you to death! I mean you would think we didn't have brains enough to go jump in a hole somewhere like a scared rabbit when your supposed to! Speaking of scared rabbits. Have you ever had a really wild bunny you tried to make a pet out of? We did when we lived in Arkansas a whole lifetime ago. Hubby brought it in from a nest or something one time when he was out on a tractor. We learned you just can't take the wild out of a bunny. A wild bunny is a wild bunny forever. Poor thing even with food and water in a nice safe cage he was not happy at all. He tried to hide everywhere! We brought it into the house and at the least little bit of freight he would go jump behind something and hide. We finally let the bunny go when we realized he just wasn't going to ever be happy. I got to watching bunnies on the road and from my deck out in the pasture and I noticed wild animal always know where the nearest hidy hole is. No kidding it is like radar or like when they venture out into the open they look around and say...." Hmmm.... ok there is a hole right over there and just 20 feet further is another hole if I can't get to that one." They have holes imprinted with a map to each one in there head. Ok well anyway.... we just went about our business of feeding cows this morning, him doing bird house work and me hunting for some replacement tires on old blue for the front. Seems like last week we just put them through more than they could handle checking fence lines and cutting down cedar trees with the limb loppers. Little bit after noon and a little lunch we start hearing about the tornadoes forming west of the city and probably heading this direction. Hubby is trying to ignore it and make believe those people on TV are just flapping their jaws to try and equal the amount of wind the storms are producing. I ignored him and he ignored me while I checked and packed up the medical, some clothes, food and other BOB goodies. With the clouds getting darker and the wind getting quiet I tell him we need to get one of the trucks in the barn away from hail damage. Usually we wait and take things to the cellar when we have to go but this time I have it all ready and tell him lets do it BEFORE it starts raining. You should have heard him .... " WHAT!!!  YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! YOU DON'T WANT TO GO DOWN IN THAT CELLAR!!!" Ok , why not ? Is there water in the bottom of it? Is it nastier than usual?  " YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO AND I CAN SEE YOU HAVEN'T BEEN DOWN THERE IN A LONG TIME~!! All tense and nervous doesn't even touch him right now.LOL "I'M NOT GOING DOWN THERE!!! I THINK WE WOULD BE BETTER OFF JUST TO PUT THE STUFF IN THE CAR AND OUT RUN IT!!! I don't think that will work this time considering how big and long this line of storms are. Let's just put the stuff in the cellar so it will be done we can take it out later. In the mean time I have phone calls and text messages and facebook messages of people telling me to duck and run. (If they only knew how much fun hubby was being ...LOL) Got eveything down in front of the cellar sitting in the car. I tell him lets just get it in there. He opens the door and shines the light in to check it out. Yup, there is a almost 2 foot long snake skin on the wall by the steps going down. I tell him just put it on the south wall on the shelf. "I'M NOT GOING IN THAT FAR!!! NO WAY! I'M JUST GOING TO PUT IT AT THE END OF THE STEPS!!" No, the wind will suck it out and it is muddy there. He finally said he has a blue plastic barrel we can put stuff in and put it down there. I told him ok that will work. 
     With all that done we sat in front of the cellar in the Yukon watching the weather around us and listening to the radio and tracking it on to see what direction everything was going.  They told everyone in Lincoln county to hit the hole it is coming your way!!! We looked at the map on the IPhone and decided that it looked like it was going to miss us. I guess this was about 6pm or so. We were so hungry and supper was just a total mess with this kind of thing going on. He said with a big grin on his face..... You want to make a trip to town and eat at Sonic? We had Heidi Ho in the car with us and I just said I am starved why not! LOL I told hubby I am not to sure this is a good idea even when I can see the radar because we could be going right into something worse considering Prague,OK has actually had 2 tornadoes in one day. One in the morning and again one in the afternoon. We did it anyway. I called the neighbors next door and told them the cellar isn't all that great and has mud and maybe water in the bottom but if they got scared we would leave the gate open so they could go to the cellar. I told them we were going to Sonic! Should have seen us. He said are you happy now? Is this doing something D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T enough for you? I told him I LOVE it! I figure if storm chasers could do it we could to. We did great until we pulled into Sonic. He didn't want to sit where he could see the weather. When we were ordering it started getting really dark windy and nasty with some wind gusts and boy did he have that wild rabbit look on him! LOLOLOLOLOLOL We ordered and he decided that he didn't want to sit there and eat. I told him fine but I was going to chow down on the way back home. I was really hoping we would get back in time to see American Idol. It cleared up nicely on the way back and I told hubby to be sure and look behind us to make sure a tornado wasn't giving us a boost.
    When we got back to the gate I called the neighbors and asked if it was safe to lock the gate yet. They said it was and thank you. For what? They said they went to the cellar! She said she had a green colored flashlight and it made it really spooky. I laughed really hard. She said it was a really nice one specially since they don't have one. Sure enough when hubby goes down later after American Idol to get our stuff out of the barrel he said there were 3 chairs down there. Did they dust the chairs off for us? Yup, they sure did! Now what gets me is he is beaming ear to ear like he is proud of that cellar and how good it is when not just a hour before he was almost refusing to go down in it!!  (I think he went to sonic to get out of going down in the cellar where it is dark and nasty.) My hubby is 6'3" and weighs 190 pounds and packs a 9mm glock on his hip almost 24/7 so you tell me what is so bad about that hidy hole that he doesn't want to go down in it? LOL
    There are some things I realized today. We are taking care of his 91 yo father by taking a evening meal and checking on him a couple of times a day. Here we have all this bad weather and there isn't a lot you can do for him to protect him. He moves so slow and he is so frail it wouldn't take much for him to get badly hurt. If you pick him up and take him to our house that could also easily hurt him and then even once we got here we couldn't get him down into the cellar. He can't walk it and we couldn't carry him so he was better off staying at his house and going into the bathroom like he said he does. That is just a no win deal all the way around. 
    I also noticed that with all our healthy eating trying to stay away from high fructose corn syrup as much as possible and MSG we don't have any snacking type of foods to take to the cellar. So I just packed up some stuff you have to boil. So now I am going to improve on food things for the BOB. A good practice run is always a good thing to see where we are lacking and all so maybe next time will be better. 
    Got to go now. It has been a really long day and it is now 1:30 and I think I can finally sleep. Hope everyone made it through the storms in a good way.


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