I was brush hogging the hay pen where we store some it at the house. The weeds and grass was 6 foot plus. We had about 25 bales left over from last year so couldn't just turn cows loose and let them graze it down. So here I was just brush hogging like crazy and when I got over close to the left over hay I must have made a coyote nervous. Kind of made me jump. All of a sudden from between the bales I had a coyote jump flat footed straight up over a bale and went running out to the now cut and baled field. It was really really funny..... I must have plumb scared the pee out of him because as soon as he quit running he hiked up is leg and just peed forever! I had the biggest giggle out of that. He kept walking across the field going from shade tree to shade tree since it was at least 100*F continuously looking back at me giving me the dirtiest go to !@@#$ look! You could just hear him cussing me from all the way down there as he walked and kept looking back at me. !@##$%^&!
So the next day I was actually moving the hay bales and had to move the ones that were left over out of the way so I could clean it up good. I noticed it was a little bumpy.
When I started to actually move the ones off the field and place them in the hay pen I kept falling into some really big holes! You know how a dog digs a hole in a damp spot trying to stay cool, well he had at least 4 big holes dug like that. I turn the tractor wheels a little to sharp in one and try to go somewhere it would rock the whole tractor like it could tip if I didn't stop.
When I told daughter about find him and scaring the pee diddle out of him she said I should shoot him. I said naaaa..... he's thinning out the mice and cleaning up any stray feed on the ground.
I tell you what..... after having to wrestle with those !@#$%^^@ holes I just about told hubby to take aim! I'm past the ruff stuff now. So I guess he is safe enough. I will just be happy with the idea that I messed up his house for a while LOL!
Monday --- Finally got to finish up putting in the other 45 bales of hay this afternoon after picking up the help and delivering him back. I changed clothes and told hubby be ready to bring something in to eat.
I was on the last 3 bales in the field and going back to get another load. What do I see???... I see that same young male coyote wondering into the field. I kept coming with the tractor. He looked at me and walked then looked at me and thought about it. "Man she's still coming! She's getting closer! Forget it !!@#$% that woman just keeps on messing up my day! He took off back across the creek. LOL
I finished up all the hay in that field and hubby called the cows in to clean it up. You would think we hollard POOL PARTY ! They all came running and bucking and loving it all!
( Still sore and with at least another 120 or so bales to move somewhere at 2 at a time)