Thursday, November 28, 2013

Extract Fun

Here are eight different extracts I made the first one is 
Lemon on the left then 

I started with the lemon and lime extract from a recipe I found on the net. After that I wanted to get a more exact formula so I used one cup fruit to 2 cups vodka so I would have a formula to work with in the future.
    I never did see how long to let the extracts brew. I read the longer they brew the better the extract. These extracts have been brewing for four months. I can't decide if brewing four months is too long or not. I do know that the smell is very very strong. Since I don't like to drink vodka I'm not about to taste it. LOL
   Now I need to figure out how much to use in the recipe. Since it seems so strong. Do I use a full measure or maybe a half measure.? So maybe next time I use it I'll use the full strength and go from there.
    See the little strainer in front? I didn't have a small tea strainer so when I went to the grocery store all they had was a strainer for you kitchen sink. Well, that seems to work really good I love it. It fits right in my jar or my glasses I'm using to pour the liquid in and I don't have a handle on the way! 
    Next I'm going to try alcohol extracts you know like rum an other flavors. 

Have fun ya'll

Thursday, November 21, 2013

20 Ways to Become More Self-Sufficient

20 ways to become more self-sufficient before 'the crunch' arrives

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) One thing you don't want to be during the coming "crunch" -- a polite word for "collapse" -- is dependent on the system. The more you can take care of yourself, the better off you'll be physically, financially, emotionally and even spiritually. Here are 20 ways to become more self-sufficient while you still can:

  Remember it doesn't have to be some kind of economic crunch or governmental failure. We have many times in our lives when it is good to be able to take care of you and yours. Here in Oklahoma is a perfect example with the tornadoes and earthquakes we are getting now days. Then their is catastrophic illness, or just a good round of flu to deal with. It is so nice to have your stuff all stocked up and having it on hand when you can't wiggle to go to the store. 

I am sure it is never enough but I can check off about 13 1/2 of these.

How many of these can you check off?  

1) Get a small solar system that can be used to run a laptop or recharge batteries

2) Drill a water well and install a hand pump or solar-powered DC pump

3) Set up a rainwater collection system or barrel

4) Stash some cash: stock away some green dollar bills and lots of U.S. nickels

5) Own and learn how to use a handgun, rifle and shotgun

6) Store some ammunition

7) Own and know how to use a water filter

8) Start a garden this spring and acquire more food production skills

9) Save garden seeds so you can plant the next generation of food

10) Acquire a wood-burning stove for heat and cooking

11) Possess a large quantity of stored food; enough for at least 90 days

12) Get to know your local farmers and ranchers

13) Store up valuable barter items that are relatively cheap today: Alcohol, coffee, ammo, matches, etc.

14) Safely store extra vehicle fuel (gasoline, diesel) at your home or ranch
Be sure to use fuel stabilizers to extend their life.

15) Learn emergency first aid skills and own first aid supplies
This could save a life or possibly save a trip to the emergency room.

16) Start growing your own medicine
Plant and grow aloe vera, oregano, garlic, cayenne pepper and other medicinal herbs that can replace a surprisingly large number of prescription drugs. Oregano, for example, is a potent antibiotic. Aloe vera treats cuts, scrapes and burns.

17) Own emergency hand-cranked radios so you can tune in to news and announcements
My #1 recommended brand is Freeplay.

18) Boost your immune system with vitamin D and superfoods

19) Increase your level of physical fitness

20) Learn how to raise animals such as rabbits, chickens, goats or cows. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

60# Black Diamond Watermelon Heaven!!

This summer we had some really good watermelon ! This one weighed in at about 60#'s. You can see where one of the hail storms left it's mark but believe me it didn't hurt the taste at all.

   Oh My Goodness!!! It was SOOoooooooo Sweet! Homegrown local watermelon is always so tasty compared to what you buy in the stores. Every year this man has his truck sitting on Hwy 99 in Prague, Ok and he has the very best watermelons and cantaloups your can put on your table. Lots of hard work but I am so thankful he grows these delicious biggies for my table and very happy tummy!


And the watermelon was so good I decided to save the seeds for next year to share with my friends and family so we all could enjoy such nice sweet melons! Look at this I got a full cup of seeds from this 60# melon as I took those sweet bites out of the rine and put it into a large container into the fridge. 

(now having golden leaves and light freezes to deal with and remembering the summer joys )

"Eyes Wide Open"

There are many times in the last few years and especially the last 2 yrs I have gotten images / messages that certain areas around here will be in bad shape........ the words I get to describe these images are <desolate > not like a war image..... just <empty> not able to grow grass in some areas like the ground just can't do it ....... like people don't want to live in the area because it just can't support life there. Not like contamination but for some reason it is just dry/ empty/ no reason to be there. Several times it is the word <drought> I keep wondering about things like war and it just isn't is something else.......... tonight for the first time the word is ...<famine> ........

these images and thoughts came way before this travesty listed below so I can't say the news is influencing me it is just little things. Like when my husband drives by somewhere on the way to the city and says things like " I can't imagine how crowded this will be 20 yrs from now." I tell him it won't be. Then there is times we drive by a place of ours and I am told that we won't be able to grow things like grass in a certain area these thoughts just pop up out of the blue.I just don't see a "growth" kind of thing going on. If anything I see the opposite whatever that may be.< Struggle> is also a word that comes to light.

<Tepco's removal of radioactive fuel could set off uncontrolled chain reaction

<One wrong move and Fukushima could poison the entire northern hemisphere with deadly radioactive plutonium and uranium isotopes with half lives of millions of years. In the worst case, it could turn the soils into poison across nearly half the planet, causing much of the northern hemisphere to be uninhabitable by humans

I have to wonder about all these thoughts and images I am given when I see news articles like the one above.  Some people say prayer is the answer. That may be but if anything you need to pray for wisdom to take the proper actions in your area/ life/ future preparations to be able to deal with adversity. Money is a good thing but in this case money won't do it all. I don't think money will be able to even come close to touching this. It is a action, way of doing things on your own for your family and the people or community around you to be able to cope and adjust to what is possibly coming our way.
       It may sound like no big deal when it appears more weather related but think again, that is a HUGE thing! There are just too many things involved when I say weather. Our weather could be effecting us not only because of just natural drastic weather changes but also we have no clue how things we are doing or possible disasters man made or otherwise can determine this kind of thing. 
    You can't sit around and worry about everything but you sure can go forward with a "eyes wide open" attitude.
Try not to be to distracted by our daily struggles.

Keep looking ahead as to how to keep things in a "prep" mode.

Educate yourself and yours on various subjects. Diversity in knowledge is a good thing. You never know when you may need that little bit of info someone around you may have.

Encourage those around you to learn useful things whether it be medical, farming, cooking, even how to be a supportive counselor to others (believe me it will be needed)

Teach. Anyone and everyone that is receptive to learning. Old or young. If someone takes a interest in something you are doing share this knowledge. It is like in the garden world. We have extra plants so we share it with neighbors not only to be kind and generous but also because if something happens to yours and they die you can get a new start from the neighbor you shared with.

Well that is enough of this stuff. I try not to let these images overtake me. I try to keep going with daily life and thinking about how the things I do today will be a help for the tomorrows to come.

(Who tries not to dwell but sometimes you just can't help putting the puzzle pieces together some days)