Thursday, July 21, 2022



    Now how can anyone look at that watermelon and not just drool thinking about biting into that sweet coldness! Just a few bites of that $10 homegrown 25# jewel will put a smile on most peoples faces.
    I usually try to post things not so serious and sometimes even depressing. I don't get very many views on the blog for happy things. Watch this unhappy post sky rocket.
     Recently I have encountered people suffering from depression. I got a call at 4am on Wednesday morning from a woman that her husband committed suicide on the 9th? I think she said. She walked into the room and found him hanging and already gone. I have never met the woman but she was with another lady when I was connecting to her daughter that died in a wreck. She wanted me to talk to the deceased man. I have never had someone call me specifically to do that. Usually if it happens it is kind of like a accident. Nothing planned it's just God puts someone in front of me. I guess he put her in front of me with my phone number! LOL I told my daughter about it and she said ask God to do it during business hours next time 9-5! I laughed so hard. I told the lady I would call her about 10 am and we will see what happens. 
    I called and visited with her some. He was in his early 40's and her late 30's been together 20 years. He had been known to have bouts  of depression during those years but not this bad. She said he had been this way for 6 months. Wouldn't go to the doctor or take meds if he did. I was getting info from the man as we talked. Some things I just will not tell a person if I know it will just hurt them. Many times when a person passes to the other side they have the same personality there as they did here. This was a angry unhappy man. He was still mad. I talked to her and told her he was miserably unhappy person. Usually when I have talked to someone that commits suicide they tell me they didn't mean to but this man said yes he meant to do it! He said he had to. There were more things but I can't remember it all. She said she had some kind of camera's in the living room and has pictures of the Grimm Reaper standing in front of him. She was renting and I told her if she can move it would be a good idea. ( I didn't tell her, honestly I was thinking no telling what may be in that house if she is seeing that kind of stuff! ) It would be terrible to walk in all the time and have to relive that. I said to if there is anything of his you can part with go ahead and donate it somewhere. We hung up and she text me later asking me some things to ask him kind of like a test to see if I was really doing this. Well I tried..... I told her he evidently doesn't get over his mad very quick! He said not to tell her a D*MN THING!  There were other things I just won't talk about. I told her he just hasn't healed yet. Some people take longer to heal afterwards than others. He had some deep deep issues. If he was here on earth it would take a long time of counseling so it might be a while before he has a good healing. I told her I wished her a quick healing from her hurt and to get well soon. She said it sounded like his attitude! Evidently they had a pretty fiery relationship. I didn't dare tell her everything he was saying. No sense in hurting her like that.
     We are all in a upside down world there are a lot of people suffering from depression. There are so many reasons for it. Money, listening to the news too much, bad health, jobless.... all kinds of things. Many of these things all circle back to money. Even when we do the best we know how it doesn't work sometimes.
     If you are having money problems, bankruptcy knocking at your door for whatever reason. I can't just say ... get over it. Most of us have been brought up to think that we are failures if we can't pay our bills or have a business and go belly up or have auto's, property or homes repossessed.  As long as you haven't been blowing money on unneeded things like crazy instead of feeding your family or keeping the lights on you are not a failure.
     One thing I have had to accept like when Jon died. We can only do what we know how to do at any given time. We can't look back and say I should have done this or should have done that. We are human. We can think ahead and put everything on paper to try and make things perfect and still not work. Those monkey wrenches keep popping up and bonking our plans all upside down.
    If you are having problems don't give up. Learn how to talk it over with someone. If your lucky you have a spouse or family member good at listening and helping.
    It's ok to start over! Start fresh! There are billionaires out there that have gone belly up lots of times. Broker than a church mouse. Now how they come out of a bad credit deal and become super rich again I have no clue. Maybe friends in high places pays off.
    Sell anything you can and get money to pay off some other bill or to keep a roof over your head. If you have to sell the roof and relocate to a smaller place or to some family property for a while.... well... it ain't great but it can be done and it is happening a lot now days.
    The main thing is ..... don't let our crazy upside down world put you under when your life gets crazy. Take a deep deep breath. Don't blame the other people in your life. That doesn't make things better it just makes a bad time worse.
     If you feel like your having to give up everything you have worked so hard for just try to remember.... You can only do what you can do, the best you can do. Keeping family together and healthy are the important things. Learn from all the crazy crap going on around you so you will be able to see if coming in the future and side step it when it tries to knock you in the head. All though you planned and worked hard for everything you may be selling or losing IT IS JUST STUFF!
     Although it hurts.... when it's all done and cleaned out and the bills are gone or at least a lot smaller you will feel so much better. The stress factor in these hard times is what just puts people out of their minds and they turn to drugs, drinking, gambling and yes sometimes giving up totally and suicide.
     I don't want to hear about people around me wanting to or actually committing suicide. You are a important useful person in this world to the people around you. We need you in our lives. You may not feel like it but just knowing your a phone call away or we can drive by your place and say hi or even honk a few times as we go by to say a flying hi is a big thing to be able to do. That little bit of "knowing" your around makes people feel good inside. We may not say it out loud but we all love you in our own way and need you.
    Speak up! It's ok.

( I may not be able to fix everyone but I can always give them a smile, say something nice or even give them a good homemade dessert!)

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