Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Ground Level in Central Oklahoma 

Oh my goodness.
How can I be so busy and feel like I'm not getting anywhere?!
    I can't get much done with the stocking up. One reason or the other either money like everyone else or energy to get things organized. It's amazing how many times I have changed my kitchen or another area since this plandemic hit! Things change and my house has to change with it whether it is for health or trying to have food around.

Thought I would check something out.
When I go to town and talk to the clerks so many are totally unaware of the world and what is going on.
Q: I ask them are you trying to get a little stocked up at home?
A: For what?
     Well with some extra food with all that's going on in the world.
Q: Did you know farmers can't get parts to run the tractors or fertilizer for the fields?
A: Really?
EX: Yes if the farmers can't get parts they can't run those big tractors to do the field work and plant
       If they can't get fertilizer the plants won't grow enough food.
OH.... really?
Q: How many people do you have in your family?
One younger early 20's said her mom and dad live with HER and BOYFRIEND not the other way around.
Another woman said it's just her and her 3 kids.
Someone else will say just her & husband and kids.
You hear all kinds of mixes.Nobody says anything about stocking up. Just about how expensive everything is.
Very few garden or even think about it.
     I have handed out printed sheets of the 4/25/100/ 1000 people on how much it takes to feed for one year to a few interested people I see at doctors or other places. Some people just the 4 people sheet.I have given out slips of paper with just the website where they can do the math for their family.

All seem very interested. My Dr. with the complete set thought that was fascinating she loves that kind of stuff.
The nurses that come out for hubby are interested.
Most have never thought about it.
Most talk about how expensive things are.
Some I have mentioned to again in a week or so indicated they were starting to get some extra. Talking about finding buckets in stock is hard.

I still need to talk to and find out if the local preachers get together so I can take this information to them and bring the worlds issues to their attention from the preppers point of view if they haven't been going that direction already.

 I talked to the local small town grocery store manager. I stopped in the office and told them they are doing a really good job of keeping things on the shelves and thank you for having sales on canned goods like 2/$1 veggies. They enjoyed hearing the good stuff and with a really worried look told me he doesn't think he will have anything by Christmas. Oh yes I picked up a 28# turkey while I was there. No clue if we are going to have any holidays with anyone or anything. Sure is hard to get in the mood.
    There is so much to do from all angles. Physically my O2 is limited when I'm moving around. It drops down between 85 and 90 sometimes lower when moving around much. I just do a bit then rest and keep on going. Asthma, COPD, allergies, heart who knows all the above or just this or that.
I have been doing some heart tests and will find out more this Wednesday. So far my GP just says a valve or something isn't opening all the way and they may want to put a stint in me. If that's all then ok that's not to bad. My husband says I'm a war horse! I'll be fine.LOL
    The other side tells me I'll be ok I won't like it but I will be fine. LOL great! As always cryptic! I tell them I need some help losing weight they tell me that's coming but "we" have to fix a few things first.
   Hubby is getting closer to the surgery date on his back. Sometime about December 16th depending on if he can get caught up on the surgeries due to lack of nursing staff. Like a dummy I forgot the say if they would quit firing people over no shot then they wouldn't have a problem!
    Surgeon says it is 100% fixable. The procedure is only 1 hour and in the hospital for 1 day and up and around after that! Some pain but much better than now and it will be a healing pain.
    Most people don't have a problem at all with simple things like putting on socks and shoes or lifting their leg, riding in the truck or sitting is easy but these things still about kills him sometimes. He had PT people come out and show him some exercises and really couldn't tell improvement. The damage is just there and hard to do much with it. The nerve damage is making for numbness and tingling in the feet also. That is supposed to improve or go away with the surgery. That's a lot better than the scope in to repair the bleeding ulcer and 16 hours of 4 units of blood tanking up and rejuvenating of 5 days! It will be nice not to help him with shoes and socks but that isn't anything compared to the blood loss! With that it was everything to get dressed and helping him up and down in an out and making sure he didn't fall and begging him to eat.

The official Dr. words for his back issue are spondylosis of lumbosacral spine with radiculopathy. Mainly just worked to hard for too long with arthritis thrown in .
    I am trying to unpack my little 10 x 10 everything room close to the kitchen I have used for everything I enjoy and need. It honestly has a path because I have never had enough room for "stuff" hubby always had the barns etc outside or the garage attached to the house. I want to turn this into a pantry. I want to put in some rolling shelves from Sam's that are 5' long and tall and 2' wide if they ever get them back in stock. Even if I get things all cleaned out I don't know if I can fit my computer desk and printer etc. in there comfortably. All I can do is try.
   I have moved some shelves for medical things into Jon's room. Mainly natural things or tylenol, vitamins, Boo Boo's, extra Rx meds for asthma,bandages, slings, crutches, and about 600 1oz dropper bottles of homeopathic energy meds. Still more to go on organizing. It will look good once I get the bottles where they belong.
   I don't seem to have time to bake anymore but I am trying to get things put back together enough I can. I need to bake to relax !

  Speaking of relaxing. Oklahoma has gone full tilt in the pot growing market. You see grow houses everywhere! Some even have 2 or 3 high dollar drones flying around for miles away from their place staying up for over a hour at a time. Looking or patrolling folks have seen. They even communicate with each other watching folks. It's either government or someone making loads of money to afford those kinds. I talked to a friend with grows and he said the price has really dropped to nothing compared to what it was. He agreed. It's the big shake out. Whoever survives in business will be doing good.

  I have had a amazing amount of advanced head gossip going on that has surprised the heck out of me! That is another post.
 Well that is the main stuff going on in this area. So much more in different subjects for another post.



  1. Ranchmama,
    The preachers around here don't get it. They are talking about climate change and not enough about turning to God and changing our lives.
    I bought 2 of those chrome shelving units recently but without the wheels. One is in my son's bedroom, which my daughter has confiscated since he is no longer living at home! I used those shelves to get junk off the floor so we can walk around the room without killing ourselves! The other shelves I put in the garage to get more "stuff" up off the floor.
    We ordered our fresh turkey yesterday for Thanksgiving. The largest bird they were taking orders for was 22 pounds. As you said, we don't know how many family will be at our table either this year.

  2. God Gave us brains also to use.One of the many things churches need to do is not only be the distributor of donated goods but also the manufacturing / growing of foods. Classes to teach how to cook literally without boxes off the shelf (fresh from scratch)if they had to and how to grow gardens. If fuel bills are going to be outlandish like they say then provide not just donated clothing but altering skills and quilting. Not fancy quilts just warmth if they don't have heat this winter. So many things that people can do and learn for any difficult times ahead. But it can't happen unless someone is aware and willing to teach others. We can't depend on Uncle Sam but we can still do wonders locally!Just have to go old school.
    I want shelves for food then the money to put the food on them! LOL
    Love Ranchmama
