Monday, July 8, 2019

Cooking Without

Image result for Milk Eggs Butter

      Ya know I have been cussing having to learn how to cook without animal products to be able to breathe decent. Then I got to thinking about it today.
Really any prepper or just regular folks needs to learn how to cook without eggs, butter and milk. Sure right now we have available substitutes for that and can use something like coconut , soy or almond milk but a lot of things you can just use water if you have the right recipe.
    If you have a good supply of dried eggs, milk and shortening or butter stocked up having alternates recipes that doesn't use so much will help your supplies last longer.
    It isn't easy changing something like this if you have been eating and cooking otherwise for 60 years but even though there is a learning curve it's good for the brain to tackle new things! Believe me it is much easier now while we have access and not being stressed in other survival things ( like the earthquakes going on now) to learn than when and if things hit the fan.
   Right now I am learning simple things.... since I am the dessert lady .....
   Here I thought I would finally get to establish some standard recipes to use like the perfect cake cookie or pie and now I have to complicate things with having to do the vegan thing!
   I have always wanted and usually use the "REAL THING" like real butter instead of margarine or shortening and now I have to go the other direction!I had some blondies yesterday I made using the traditional recipe to see what the real thing was supposed to taste like before trying it the vegan way since I have never had blondies before. Welll...... all it had in there was real butter and eggs. I can usually eat eggs without a problem so it must have been the butter. Then this morning I had butter with my waffles..... W-e-l-l-l-l ..... that wasn't smart. Just a tiny bit of milk even like a sip to check the milk carton after the use by date and I get all clogged up and can't breathe to good. Ridiculous! All from a silly tick years ago !
  I'm Trying to look at the good parts.... as long as you try to keep the recipes using normal ingredients instead of some kind of tutti fruitii or soy something or other it may even be cheaper. I used to go through eggs like crazy but it sure has slowed down now that I try not to cook with them. I mean like eggs seem to go 3 times as long in the fridge than they used to, now milk I actually have to watch or it goes bad. I thought eating something real like real butter or milk is so much better than some kind of make believe food with dyes and emulsifiers etc. people use. I guess make believe food is better for me now days.... oh well .... at least we can still have some good desserts!

(Still playing with her foods) 

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